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Hello to everyone out there,

new week new announcements :

– Tournaments : you can now register for the different tournaments. First tournament (Mixed) on 27.05. Check out the overview on our website under Competition. Here you will also discover our Corporate Beach Tournament, as well as our Beach de Lux Leagues. Our Corporate Tournament will take place on Friday 30 June instead of 17 June as initially announced, please excuse this error. The leagues will start on 22 May and will be played until 30 July. Please sign up before 19 May, so hurry up. Find a list of all our events below or head to the different pages.

– Youth Days : To all children and parents: Our Youth Days this year will take place on 18 May and 23 June. Sign up quickly if you want to take part! Find the flyer below this post. 

Best regards,

Your Beach de Lux committee

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